2025 Select Application

The Select Coach & Manager will have the responsibility of leading the player and team development strategy for their select team that is focused on creating a rewarding competitive experience for the team. We ask that you answer these questions thoroughly and with thought.

This form will open on November 1.

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
What position are you interested in?
Age Division
Age Division You Want to Coach
Seasons coaching/ managing with RGS
What sports have you managed or coached previously?
Have you coached at a competitive level?
Coaching Philosophy
What is your coaching philosophy including game playing time?
How would OTHERS describe your coaching style?
Talk about how others (opponents) would describe your coaching style?
What are your GOALS for the season?
Talk about what goals you have as a team and a coach for the season?
How will you manage Rec & Select?
This season players will play both rec and select. Talk about your feelings on that and how you will manage?
Reason for Coaching
Why do you want to coach the All-Star program?
Conflict Resolution
How do you handle conflict with parents or players?
Other Sports
Will you be coaching any other sports during the Select season? (Dec-July) If yes, please explain?
Have you ever been removed or disciplined from any sports organization?
Coaching Partner
Are you interested in coaching with anyone else specifically? (Not guaranteed)
Financial Planning
What is your experience tracking team financials?

Required Fields